11 January 2024

Statistics 5.5. The normal distribution

(9709) CIE A Level Maths 2023 - 2025

1. Revision notes

Key concepts
  1. Continuous random variables: Infinite number of possible outcomes
    • histograms
      • area under curve = 1
    • normal curve: bell shaped, symmetrical
      • mean = median = mode
  2. The normal distribution:
    • The standard normal variable Z
    • Critical values table
    • Standardizing a normal distribution
    • Modeling in real-life situations
  3. Normal approximation to the binomial distribution
    • continuity correction: used when we approximate a discrete distribution by a continuous distribution

2. Study Powerpoint

*or you can download it here.

* [PDF] Statistics formulae booklet (provided on exam)

3. Exercises (please click)
4. Solutions (please click)